Home3 & 4-Year-Old Story Time (6-Week Session)

3 & 4-Year-Old Story Time (6-Week Session)

Home3 & 4-Year-Old Story Time (6-Week Session)

Thursday, April 10

1:30 pm - 2:10 pm

This is an energetic and interactive 40-minute program for independent 3-and-4 year-olds since they will attend story time without their caregiver.  We will share books, music, movement, stories, and crafts. 3 & 4-Year-Old Story Time meets once a week for 6 weeks.

Meets 9:30am on Thursday, March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 24. There is NO session on April 17, the week of Redding school break.

REGISTRATION REQUIRED; space is extremely limited. Email Lisa with questions Lisa@marktwainlibrary.org

Registering ONCE signs you up for all 6 sessions

Space is extremely limited; please register only if you intend to attend most or all of the 6 sessions.


Registration Information

Booking Summary

x Standard Ticket
Total Price