Book Clubs

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Upcoming Book Club Meetings

Library Sponsored Book Clubs

The Mark Twain Library currently sponsors several book groups.  Membership is open to all with an interest.  All groups are led by volunteer coordinators and meet at the library.  Copies of the books are available at the library for borrowing.  Dates are details are available on the website.

History Book Group:  Led by members of the Library’s Programming Committee this group reads books of interest to history buffs.  The group determines the titles to read and meeting schedule. Contact Elaine Sanders for more information.

Classics Book Group:  This group is led by popular leader Catherine Riordan who contributes her love of reading and background in literature to the discussion. The group reads both old and new classic titles.

Resources For Local Book Clubs

Book Discussion Collection

The library maintains a collection of books that have been chosen and enjoyed by local book groups. They are identified in the catalog as book club titles.  Why not consider one of these titles for your next book club read?

Contact Ken Rietschel, Circulation Associate, for assistance.

Book Group Copies

If your next book club book is not in our Book Discussion collection, the library staff will help you obtain multiple copies of a book title.  Due to the popularity of many titles and the turn-around time needed to obtain books, please order books at least 6 weeks prior to your next meeting.  Books published in the last six months will be very difficult to obtain from other libraries.  This is because other libraries will not lend new titles through interlibrary loan.  If you need a recommendation for your group or assistance in obtaining copies contact Ken Rietschel, Circulation Associate, for assistance.