Honoring the spirit and legacy of our founder, The Mark Twain Library is Redding’s destination for discovery, enrichment, and connection…where books are just the beginning. –Adopted 01/13/2025
Mark Twain Library strives to be the cultural crossroads of Redding.
- The Mark Twain Room, with a seating capacity of 65, is available for public use by groups or individuals. Library facilities other than the Mark Twain Room may not be used for events unless specifically authorized by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees. Within the limits established by this policy statement, the Board of Trustees encourages the use of the Library premises by the Redding Community.
- The Mark Twain Room is available for use only during the library’s regular hours of operation except by special request and at the discretion of the Library Director. Room usage must be completed 15 minutes prior to closing time.
- The Mark Twain Room remains open to the public for access to library materials during library hours.
- Groups or individuals wishing to use the room must submit a written and signed application to the Library Director for each anticipated use date. The Library reserves the right to approve or disapprove any such application. Organizations shall not exceed one meeting during each calendar month. Written application must be made at least 7 business days in advance. Availability of the room shall be on a first come, first served basis. If fees for use of the room are applicable they shall be paid in advance and accompany the written application.
- Individuals or groups with a professional or commercial association or basis, whose information may be deemed of intellectual or educational value to the Library’s patrons—such as physicians or other health professionals, school admissions advisory services, counseling or financial advisory services may apply to the Library Director for inclusion as a Program of the Library; similarly, the LD or the Programming Committee with the advice and consent of the LD may invite such individuals or groups to conduct programs at the Library. Paragraph 6a. governing the distribution of sales materials, business cards, collection of names and etc. will apply to all such individuals or groups.
- Should a political party or candidate wish to use the Mark Twain Room, they can only do so in compliance with the following: (1) that the individual or organization in any notification or advertising of the event states clearly that the content of their message is not sponsored, co-sponsored or approved by the Library, if applicable; (2) that the user must affirmatively state that there will be no solicitation of funds, written or otherwise, during the event; (3) that there be no signage on the Library property or building advertising the event, party, or candidate, and (4) no Library Facilities will be booked for a candidate or political party less than ten (10) days prior to the election. In terms of this policy political parties or organizations and candidates shall be treated as Not-for-Profit Organizations and no fee will be charged for their use.
- No admission fee or pre-paid registration fee may be charged for programs conducted by outside organizations in the Mark Twain Room unless pre-approved by the Library Director.
- Whether at a library-sponsored program or an independent use of the Meeting Room no direct sales, solicitation of orders, or business appointment-making may be conducted, nor may names and addresses be collected. However, organizations or individuals may display business cards, brochures, or other literature describing services or products for voluntary pick up.
- Juvenile or young adult groups (18 and under) may use the room only when adult supervision is provided.
- Use of the room by a group in no way constitutes an endorsement by the library of the group’s policies or beliefs.
- Publicity advertisements, including flyers, posters, press releases, radio releases, mailings, etc. must acknowledge their sponsorship. All publicity materials must be approved by the library staff to ensure they prominently state: “This program is not sponsored by the Mark Twain Library”.
- The Mark Twain Room is not available for private parties or social gatherings.
- Upon request of the Library, proof of liability insurance with the Library named as a payee, may be required to use the facility.
- The Library Director is authorized to determine the appropriate use of the Mark Twain Room. In case of denial of use, appeal may be made to the Executive Committee of the Library Board of Trustees.
- In the event that no fee is charged for the use of the room, donations to the Mark Twain Library, which is a 501c(3) charitable organization, are welcomed and encouraged.
- The Board of Trustees may at any time take such action, with or without notice, as may be necessary to control the proper use of the Library premises.
- Any request for an exception to this policy must be submitted in writing, and approved in advance by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.
- Not for Profit Organizations: There shall be no charge for use of the room by Not for Profit Organizations.
- For Profit Organizations: Fees for the use of the room by For Profit Organizations shall be charged as follows:
- $100 for the first hour
- $75 for each additional hour
- Fees for special uses of the Library shall be determined by the Library Director.
- Supervision and Damages. Groups using the Mark Twain Room are responsible for:
- Proper supervision, and assuring that activities taking place in other parts of the Library are not disturbed during their use periods;
- Leaving the Room in a neat and clean condition, and restoring the room to the same condition in which it was found; and
- Costs of repairs, including those of cleaning, arising from damage or loss during use.
- Smoking is prohibited anywhere in the Library Building.
- Refreshments may be served in the Mark Twain Room only. A list of the proposed refreshments must be submitted and approved in advance by the Library Director. The kitchenette adjacent to the room may be used for preparation and service provided it is left in neat and clean condition. All leftover refreshments must be discarded or removed after use.
- Alcoholic beverages are prohibited anywhere in the library provided, however, that such beverages may be permitted, from time to time, in the sole discretion of the Library Director or in accordance with paragraph 15 hereof.
- Special Equipment: Outside organizations may use the meeting room’s projection equipment and screen upon approval of the Library Director but only during regular open hours.
- Storage: Materials may not be stored at the Library before or after a group’s reserved times unless approved by the Library Director.
- No materials may be affixed to wall surfaces or tack boards without prior permission from the Library Director.
- Telephone messages: will be taken for meeting room users only in emergency situations.
- References: The Library may seek references on any group wishing to book the room.
- Parking: The Library provides 28 on site parking spaces plus one Handicapped space. Any application for use of the facilities must indicate whether additional parking is required and, if so, demonstrate that arrangements have been made for such parking.
- Security: Police, or private security services, when deemed necessary by the Library, must be provided by the group using the room. The applicant must make arrangements for such services in advance, and make payment directly to the entity providing the service.
- Authority: Anyone violating these rules may be asked to leave and/or may be denied future use of the facilities. The Director has full authority to carry out these policies and to revoke any previously granted right to use the facilities that is necessitated by changed or unforeseen circumstances.
- Liability: The Mark Twain Library Association Board of Trustees and its employees are not liable for any claims arising out of the use of the room by outside groups or businesses.
Adopted by the Mark Twain Library Association Board of Trustees on April 12, 2010
Amended by the Mark Twain Library Association Board of Trustees on November 22, 2010
Amended by the Mark Twain Library Association Board of Trustees on November 10, 2014