
Books Crafts & Snacks & Taking the bus from RES! (Grades K-4)

Books Crafts & Snacks & Taking the bus from RES! (Grades K-4)

Monday, November 25

3:15 pm - 3:45 pm

Books! Crafts! Snacks! Miss Lisa and special guest star Sophia, a JRMS 8th grader and a story time alum, will lead this afternoon program where we'll read books, munch on snacks (goldfish crackers & allergy friendly granola bars), and do crafts! Sophia's working on her 8th grade PIP (Personal Interest Project); for her project, she's coming back to recreate her favorite story times for a whole new generation of kids! Signup today to help Sophia make her project a tremendous success! Children who sign up for this program can take the bus from RES to MTL; Miss Lisa will meet them when they get off the bus. Fill out the RES dismissal form and indicate they are going to this program at MTL. Photos & videos from this event may be used on the library's social media sites.

MTL Writers' Group (Virtual)

MTL Writers’ Group (Virtual)

Monday, November 25

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Registration Required Below The Mark Twain Library's Writers' Group meets via Zoom on the second and fourth Monday of the month. In this session the group will  be reading and discussing Write Your Novel From The Middle by James Scott Bell In addition to reading books on writing craft, the group's mission is to provide a supportive environment for those looking to share their love of writing with others. The group also serves as a potential source of accountability and feedback for ongoing writing projects. Facilitation of the group will be shared by group members. Prior to attending, it is recommended that group members obtain their own copy of Write Your Novel From The Middle by James Scott Bell Click Here to attend Zoom Meeting (For registered participants only) Password: Write

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