HomeHow To Hunt Ghosts: A Program for Teens and Adults CANCELLED

How To Hunt Ghosts: A Program for Teens and Adults CANCELLED

HomeHow To Hunt Ghosts: A Program for Teens and Adults CANCELLED

Tuesday, October 25

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

This program has been cancelled due to low registration. Paranormal investigating has become a hot topic, and people of all ages are interested in knowing how to hunt ghosts. In this lecture, paranormal investigator Barry Pirro will share advice about the type of equipment needed, where to go on your first ghost hunt, and how to gather photo, audio, and video evidence. In addition, he will share stories about some of his creepiest ghost hunting cases, show videos of ghosts and other haunted activity, and hear actual recordings of ghost voices. 

Barry has been studying and investigating the paranormal for over a decade. He investigates reports of hauntings, poltergeists, residual energy and all forms of paranormal and supernatural phenomena and provide professional, private investigations to anyone who is experiencing paranormal activity in their home or workplace. Every year hundreds of people attend his lectures on the paranormal.

This IN-PERSON program is for teens and adults, and registration is limited to 25 participants. 

Program contact: Sarah Zimmermann (sarah@marktwainlibrary.org), Teen and Reference Librarian

Registration is currently closed for this event.