HomeMTL Music Circle (Teens and Adults) Monthly IN PERSON Program

MTL Music Circle (Teens and Adults) Monthly IN PERSON Program

HomeMTL Music Circle (Teens and Adults) Monthly IN PERSON Program

Monday, August 8

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Please register for each monthly program you plan to attend. Learning an instrument and getting more comfortable playing music in front of others can be a little scary at first. Open mics can be a great way to get better, but you are often on stage with the pressure of others looking at you and expecting to be entertained. There’s less pressure when participating in a music circle where you can improve your skills in a more casual environment. The monthly MTL Music Circle welcomes singers, musicians, and music lovers with all levels of skill and experience to share songs and music in a supportive and informal setting. The goal is to have fun and gain confidence! We also welcome audience members who want to sit in and listen. 

We have a piano available in our program room for participants to play. The program is for acoustic music only.

Registration is limited to 10 participants.

Program contact: Sarah Zimmermann (sarah@marktwainlibrary.org), Teen and Reference Librarian

Registration is currently closed for this event.